The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) is a specialized agency of the United Nations (UN) based in Paris, founded in 1945 with the aim of contributing to peace and security in the world through five major programmes: education, natural sciences, social and human sciences, culture, communication and information. Within the scope of its cultural activity, UNESCO promotes the safeguarding of heritage, the stimulation of creation and creativity and the preservation of cultural entities and oral traditions, as well as the promotion of books and reading.
The National Commission, created in 1979 under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in order to pursue UNESCO's objectives in Portugal, establishes a link between this Organization and the government, public and private entities, and civil society partners, promoting the sharing of resources and knowledge. In addition to its own actions and the partnerships established, the National Commission institutionally supports projects that contribute to deepen the sense of peace, knowledge, freedom and equality, through education, natural, social and human sciences, culture, communication and information, and also through the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals defined in Agenda 2030, adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in 2015.
International non-governmental organization under UNESCO, dedicated to the conservation of world monuments and sites. It intervenes in diverse areas, highlighting the classification and protection of World Heritage, which distinguishes exceptional cultural sites that belong to all humanity; attention to Heritage at Risk, being produced since 1999 reports that identify places where heritage is threatened; the sharing of interdisciplinary knowledge among its members, mainly by architects, historians, archeologists, art historians, geographers, anthropologists, engineers and urban planners, through the organization of symposiums, seminars and colloquiums; the international involvement, through the active participation in the writing of several international Conventions and the production of Heritage Charters and other fundamental texts for the conservation, protection and enhancement of monuments and sites. It promotes the International Day of Monuments and Sites, established on April 18, 1982 by ICOMOS and approved by UNESCO the following year.
The Portuguese National Commission, with statutes approved by the international Executive Commission since 1980, held the public deed of constitution of ICOMOS-Portugal in December 1982 and the first national General Assembly in March 1983.
The International Council of Museums (ICOM), established in 1946, is a non-governmental organization of museums and museum professionals within the framework of UNESCO, dedicated to the promotion and protection of natural and cultural heritage, present and future, tangible and intangible. It promotes standards of excellence in the museum field, particularly with regard to the management, acquisition and donation of collections and standards of professional conduct. Its activities include the fight against illicit trafficking of cultural property and management in emergency situations to protect the world's cultural heritage in case of natural or man-made disasters, such as war scenarios. It promotes conferences and symposiums around the world, fostering exchange among museum professionals of all nationalities. Since 1977, ICOM has also organized the International Museum Day, a worldwide event celebrated on May 18 to raise public awareness about the role of museums in the development of society.
The Portuguese National Commission (CNP) of ICOM, whose statutes date back to 1975, has as its objectives "to cooperate with museological institutions and other professional organisations in programmes of common interest, to fight for the development of Museums, as instruments of education and culture, at the service of the community". It participates in the triennial General Conferences and in the annual meetings of the Consultative Commission, encouraging the participation of members in the meetings of specialised Commissions and maintaining professional, national and international contacts. In Portugal, its projects and activities have reflected the evolution of the concept of Museum, extending its initial restricted and academic scope to social and economic aspects, providing a cultural, scientific and technical interdisciplinary approach.
It is an International Committee of ICOM directed towards the conservation and management of House-Museums. Its name is an abbreviation of the French term "demeures Historiques", meaning Historic Houses. Houses-Museums range from castles to small houses of all periods and their interpretation includes historical, architectural, cultural, artistic aspects and social information. DEMHIST promotes the development of parameters for the conservation, restoration and safety of museum houses and supports communication between professionals and visitors to museum houses, seeking to create ways for a better relationship with the community and to enhance the visibility and impact of museum houses on tourism.
A associação Culture Action Europe (CAE) emergiu em 2008 a partir do European Forum for Arts and Heritage (EFAH), abrindo-se então a organizações públicas e privadas, grandes e pequenas. Defende o o acesso às artes e a participação na cultura como um direito fundamental de todos os cidadãos e o investimento público na cultura e nas artes como a principal força para o desenvolvimento de uma Europa sustentável, coesa e inclusiva. A CAE é hoje a maior rede europeia de redes culturais, organizações, artistas, ativistas, académicos e influenciadores de políticas públicas.
Através do conhecimento e experiência dos seus membros – redes, instituições, projetos, associações e indivíduos ativos a nível nacional, regional ou local, a CAE dispõe de uma rede ativa de envolvimento em todas as formas culturais, facilitando a comunicação eficaz a nível político entre as instituições europeias, os Estados-Membros, as autoridades regionais e locais e os atores culturais.
The European voice of civil society committed to the Cultural Heritage it has protected and promoted since 1963, this international federation with consultative status with UNESCO, the Council of Europe and the European Union is recognised today as the most representative organisation for the defence of cultural heritage in Europe, with members in over 40 countries.
Plataforma cultural digital dirigida pela Fundação para a Biblioteca Digital Europeia com o apoio do Parlamento Europeu, que disponibiliza património cultural e científico dos Estados-membros, em 29 línguas, da pré-história à atualidade, constituindo uma rede de arquivo de grande interesse para a pesquisa histórica e cultural. A Europeana permite que este amplo acervo digitalizado, oriundo de bibliotecas, arquivos, museus e outras instituições culturais, seja identificado e utilizado numa única plataforma, podendo estabelecer-se interconexões e explorar novas possibilidades de interpretação a partir da pesquisa dos seus conteúdos. Recentemente, a Comissão Europeia publicou uma recomendação para um espaço comum europeu de dados para o património cultural, a desenvolver até 2030. A Europeana estará na base da construção deste espaço comum de dados para o património cultural, permitindo que museus, galerias, bibliotecas e arquivos em toda a Europa possam partilhar e reutilizar as imagens digitalizadas do património cultural, tais como modelos 3D de locais de interesse histórico e digitalizações de alta qualidade de pinturas.
A Rede de Organizações de Museus Europeus (NEMO) foi fundada em 1992 como uma rede independente de museus nacionais representativos da comunidade de museus dos estados membros do Conselho da Europa. Juntos, os membros do NEMO representam mais de 30.000 museus em 40 países da Europa.
A NEMO assegura que os museus sejam parte integrante da vida europeia, promovendo o seu trabalho e valor junto dos decisores políticos e fornecendo aos museus informação, trabalho em rede e oportunidades de cooperação.
The European Union of Historic Houses Associations, an international federation with consultative status with UNESCO, the Council of Europe and the European Union, has as its primary objectives the defence and protection of private historic and architectural heritage - its historic houses, gardens, parks and landed property. It brings together fifteen national organisations of private owners of historic houses, with their gardens, parks or domains.
The Museum of Innocence, created by writer Orhan Pamuk, is a small museum housed in a 19th-century house in Istanbul that expresses the memories and meanings associated with the objects described in the author's novel of the same name, conceived at the same time as the museum. The novel was published in 2008 and the museum opened in 2012. The Museum of Innocence is both the museum of a fiction and a small museum of everyday life in Istanbul in the second half of the 20th century. This inspiring project was awarded the European Museum of the Year Award 2014.
Integrated in the Ministry of Culture, this body is responsible for the management of the cultural heritage in mainland Portugal. Its attributions include, among many other fields of activity, the study, research and dissemination of the immovable, movable and intangible heritage, the management of the built, architectural and archaeological heritage in the territory and in the cities, the undertaking of conservation works in major monuments, the management of National Museums and of monuments classified as World Heritage, the coordination of the Portuguese Museum Network, the documentation and inventory of intangible heritage and also the conservation and restoration interventions of movable and integrated heritage pieces.
Created in 2013 from GAM - Group for Accessibility in Museums, which had functioned informally since 2003, Acess Culture is a non-profit cultural association that promotes access - physical, social and intellectual - to cultural participation. It aims to place access at the centre of reflection and practice in the cultural sector; to contribute to the technical preparation of cultural professionals on access issues; to promote dialogue and reflection on access issues; to intervene whenever the right of access to culture and people's cultural rights are not respected. It is a national and international reference in its area of intervention, promoting training and organising seminars, conferences and workshops, carrying out audits and technical consultancies in cultural spaces and promoting the development of research projects aimed at reflection and good practises regarding access.
Website developed by Acesso Cultura with the aim of facilitating public access to information on accessible cultural programming in Portugal and giving greater visibility to the efforts of some cultural bodies in Portugal to make their offer accessible to people with different needs and profiles.
Created in 1965, it aims to group museology professionals or institutions equivalent to museums according to the criteria established by ICOM; to promote the knowledge of Museology and the scientific and technical fields that inform it; to highlight the importance of the role played by museums and the museological profession in each community and among peoples and cultures, through training, study and the promotion of multiple museological activities. One of APOM's actions with greater public visibility is the annual awarding of the prestigious APOM Prizes, which promote the recognition of the commitment and creativity of professionals and institutions working in the field of Portuguese Museology and Heritage, namely museums, municipalities, higher education institutions, research centres, foundations and associations, among others, with applications relating to projects carried out in the year prior to the awarding of these prizes.
Since 2017, it has sought to mobilise Portuguese NGOs of Built Cultural Heritage around common goals, bringing together five Portuguese associations in this area, Friends of Castles (APAC), Old Houses (APCA), Industrial Archaeology (APAI), Urban Rehabilitation and Heritage Protection (APRUPP), with coordination by the Heritage Guild. The Heritage Forum proposed to resume and continue the associative movement of Heritage started in 1978.
It aims at favouring cooperation between the different House-Museums through the promotion of mutual knowledge, the exchange of information and the sharing of acquired experience; to join efforts to ensure greater visibility and representation at a national and international level of the House-Museums, namely before the Public Administration, instances of the European Community and similar associations throughout the world and to promote, by its own initiative or in partnership with the educational system, training actions according to detailed needs.
Promotes the conservation, enhancement, study and dissemination of private Portuguese heritage of artistic and architectural interest - Estates, Houses, Parks, Woods and Gardens, defending and representing all the common interests of owners before public authorities and bodies and other entities. APCA brings together Specialists, Owners and Friends of Historic Houses.
It was founded in 1983 to promote the safeguard of Portuguese military monuments, and in 2003 it was considered a Non-Governmental Organisation of Environmental Interest by decision of the Instituto do Ambiente. It promotes national and international study visits, lectures, seminars, didactic projects, exhibitions and participates in technical projects of intervention in fortified historical monuments.
It was constituted in 1988 as a successor of AAIRL - Association of Industrial Archaeology of the Lisbon Region, founded in 1980, focusing its activity on the protection and safeguard of the material and immaterial heritage of the industrial society. Promoting the development of Industrial Archaeology, Industrial Heritage and Industrial Museology, it intervenes on a national scale, as well as at a local or regional level and in contact with international research in this area, in the field of the development of industrial archaeology. It seeks to stimulate research, inventory, knowledge, safeguard, conservation and the dissemination of buildings and their industrial architecture, sets, complexes, landscapes, archives and other assets of material and immaterial technical culture, in addition to museum collections or museums created or to be created.
Aims to promote and disseminate the concept of urban rehabilitation as the main vehicle for safeguarding the identity and enhancement of the built heritage, reducing social asymmetries and promoting citizen participation; collaborate in the preservation of buildings of historical and heritage interest; study, improve and disseminate good practices in urban rehabilitation; support the training of technicians; develop the national and international exchange of practices, knowledge and know-how in the field of rehabilitation and heritage protection.
GECoRPA - Grémio do Património is an association that aims to bring together companies and professionals involved in building rehabilitation and heritage conservation, as well as public or private entities and interested citizens.
It aims to promote the rehabilitation of buildings and infrastructure, the enhancement of historic centres, traditional villages and heritage, as an alternative to new construction, thus contributing to the sustainable development of the country; ensure the quality of the interventions in the rehabilitation of buildings and heritage, through the dissemination of best practices and specialized training; contribute to improving the planning and regulation of the construction sector and to changing its role in the economy and society.
Resource centre of Portuguese molinology and ethno-technology at the service of regional development, it is an initiative of Etnoideia Projeto de Desenvolvimento Rural and was created in April 2006, being a reference of the Portuguese Molinological Heritage. It works in articulation with TIMS - The International Molinological Society, providing an interface between the two networks, at national and international levels. It combines new technologies with activities of a more traditional nature, adjusting to the rhythms of life and stages of technological development of realities as diverse as the urban and rural worlds, the interior and the coast, the islands and the mainland, researchers, mayors, entrepreneurs, enthusiasts, amateurs, molinologists, students, teachers, educational institutions, but also millers and mill owners.
Dedicated to bringing children and young people closer to our country's Cultural Heritage, valuing the authentic and the improbable, challenges and discovery through innovative proposals.
A platform that results from the experience Spira has accumulated over the past 20 years in designing, setting up and operating cultural tourism routes, making Alentejo's heritage accessible, in terms of gastronomy, art history, industrial heritage, landscape and proposing an annual programme with Alentejo's best festivals, pilgrimages and experiences.
Online communication project in the area of Cultural Heritage based on the evidence that it is a strategic sector with great development potential in Portugal, a resource that generates services, employment and wealth. This platform produces information on policies and projects in the heritage sector, addressing issues related to the conservation and management of Portuguese cultural heritage and providing a space for meeting, information, debate and reflection.
Platform for the diffusion of information of the cultural and creative sector in the perspective of the promotion and valorisation of the Cultural Heritage, in the following areas: Cultural Heritage; Creative Industries; Tourism; Territorial Development; Communication and Marketing.
Department of the Regional Government of Madeira under the tutelage of the Regional Secretariat for Tourism and Culture (SRTC), it promotes and coordinates the different projects within the scope of cultural policies and the management and conservation of movable, immovable and intangible cultural heritage, in order to support, safeguard, value and divulge the cultural identity of the Autonomous Region of Madeira.
Seeks to disseminate in digital form the essential cultural information of and about the Autonomous Region of Madeira, covering a diversity of subjects and entities, from the institutional area to private entities that operate in culture.
In the scope of the Regional Department of Culture (DRC) - Regional Secretariat of Tourism and Culture, this online collective catalogue comprises the databases of Quinta das Cruzes Museum, Frederico de Freitas House-Museum, Madeira Ethnographic Museum, Mudas, Museum of Contemporary Art of Madeira and Madeira Photography Museum - Vicente's Atelier, which are under the supervision of the DRC's Directorate of Museums and Cultural Heritage Services and are part of the Portuguese Network of Museums, making their collections known to the public.
Discloses the municipal cultural equipment - museums, library, archaeology office and Baltazar Dias Municipal Theatre - artistic creation scholarships and literary award, among other matters, of which the Municipal Strategic Plan for Culture: 2021-2031, guiding document of the cultural policies affecting Funchal, stands out.
Publishes the 2016 Municipal Plan of Culture, defining the guidelines of the cultural policy of this municipality, its equipment and cultural spaces in the various municipality local departmens and the projects and entities to be supported as a priority. This plan is assumed to be based on a concept of culture understood as an essential dimension of social development and a solidary responsibility of the community in cultural life and heritage protection.
This is a project that has investigated and updated knowledge of Madeira's history and cultural heritage, making this knowledge available on this universally accessible digital multi-content platform.