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Musealisation and revitalization of spaces

For its members, “Casas com Histórias” is more than just meeting/visiting places. By creating local centers and promoting regular cultural events in the spaces run by the Casas com Histórias Association, we hope to encourage the preservation and dissemination of representative rural and urban heritage, broadening the cultural offer of the communities in which they are based. In addition to the spaces in Caminho da Igreja, Curral das Freiras and Rua do Quebra-Costas in Funchal, where we are working on the first phase of this project, the Casas com Histórias Association will be available to support similar initiatives in other places of local memories.

Routes of Casas com Histórias


In partnership with public and private entities, we propose to select the most significant buildings in each locality, to research and then display information about their memories in the context of local history. Together they will constitute a journey through the lives of the inhabitants and a permanent approach to the testimonies of their history, from a perspective of valorization of local identity.


We are currently working on the Route of Casas com Histórias of Curral das Freiras.

Documentation Center

We are developing a Documentation Center of "Casas com Histórias" by collecting and processing documents such as letters, postcards, photographs, albums and other testimonies, which will later be accessible to all interested parties. We intend to raise public awareness of the importance of preserving varied documentation from personal and family archives, that are so often lost or destroyed when not properly valued.

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